3 Days| 24 CE’s | $750
No prerequisite needed except you MUST be a licensed or certified massage therapist.
California Therapists! If your city/county does not require or if you do not have CAMTC, you must submit the following in order to attend class: transcript from an accredited massage school, certificate of completion, and proof of professional liability insurance.
This class will teach you how to use your feet to provide a full body deep tissue, myofascial release and trigger point work focused ashiatsu barefoot massage session.
This class focuses on techniques applied on posterior aspects of the client’s body, as your weight and natural gravitational forces are utilized to effortlessly maintain consistent pressure through your feet. While the work is focused primarily with the client prone, therapists will learn supine work as well.
This is the starting point for those wanting to train in the Myofascial Ashiatsu “FasciAshi” style of Barefoot Massage– although it’s a “beginner” class, it is definitely not easy. Review your bony landmarks, endangerment sites, and muscle pathways – as well as the anatomical terminology that goes along with all that!
Ashiatsu barefoot massage sessions use overhead support bars as well as our proprietary Ashi-Strap to help regulate your pressure, flow and balance while the client lies on a massage table.
ALERT: If you are currently pregnant, trying to get pregnant, have recently had breast/gluteal/calf enhancement surgery and/or some select cardiovascular-related surgeries within the last 9 months, we regret that you cannot attend the seminar. Please wait until 6 months after childbirth, and 9 months post major surgeries. Refer to the Contraindications list here for students.
Upcoming Classes
March 7-9 | Deadline to register: February 20
May 2-4 | Deadline to register: April 17
June 27-29 | Deadline to register: June 12
August 22-24 | Deadline to register: August 7
October 10-12 | Deadline to register: September 25
December 12-14 | Deadline to register: November 27
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